Tuesday, October 30, 2007

New poll

Please answer to the new poll,
which game do you want to see come out?
if you answer 'Other', please make a comment of which game do you want to see come out.
the first option is Blip and Blop 2, our sequel to the original Blip and Blop game by Loaded Studio
which you can download for free here.

Our sequel (if any) will be 3D (if you want it to keep be 2D please comment about it), and the plot will probably be in hollywood (each level will present other movie or so).

The second option is a sim sitcom (situation comedy show) game, that you have to control various cartoony characters of a live sitcom show, and help the rating of the show go higher by doing funny stuff.

The third option is a Fps/Rpg game, we don't have a plot, but we want it to be an DeusEx/Oblivion type of game set in our year (2007).

that's it for now, if you have any ideas for games, please make a comment about it.

22th Century Software


Anonymous said...

I would really like to see another blip and blop,I remember the first one and i loved it...
i think that you should make it 2d as it was..or 3d with a cartoon shader..could look really nice..
how many programmers/3d modelers are you? and what language do you use?
isn't it..a little jump from making a checkers game to a game like this one?

LB said...

Hey Skate
Viewer Participation TeleVision
is wondering if this site still links back to us. You are still up at http://vptvcompetitions.blogspot.com/2008/02/who-wants-to-be-superhero.html
